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The Governing Body consists of local people who have an active interest in the school as parents, staff, or as members of the local community. Parent Governors are elected by parents and other governors are either appointed by the local authority or co-opted on the recommendation of the governors. It is a voluntary role and we are always keen to encourage new governors.

The Governors’ role at the school is to help make the strategic decisions to move the school forward. In addition, the Governors scrutinise the work of the school, particularly the standards of achievement, to ensure the school is effectively educating the pupils and preparing them for their futures. We do this both through our regular full governors’ meetings or as committees and by regular visits into school to look at different aspects of the curriculum. 

At Holywell School we use the 'Circle Model' of governance. The ‘Circle Model’ has no committees. The task of monitoring specific areas is usually assigned to individuals or pairs (working groups) rather than committees. Each working group should have a set of aims and objectives which are specific and robust and encompass all governing board responsibilities. 


Mr Alan Whitaker

Chair of Governors / Co -Opted Governor

Mr Paul Baddeley


Mr Scott Grant

Vice Chair / Parent Governor

Mr Carl Jenkins

Parent Governor and Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Carol Peilow

Foundation Governor

Mrs Susan Vickery

Co-Opted Governor

Mr Mark Hodge

Parent Governor

Ms Zoe Baxendale

Staff Governor

Revd. Valmor Pimenta

Ex Officio Foundation Governor

Mrs Ann Lorman

Foundation Governor


Co-Opted Governor


Local Authority Governor